Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tool #6 Wikis

I really like the fact that you can create your own Wikis. What a great way for teachers to share ideas with each other. There are many people on our campus that have a wealth of knowledge that would be helpful to others. Often, we don't have the time to sit down and share this knowledge. A Wiki could be accessed at any time.

I've looked at the Spring Branch Wiki Server and want to know more about creating a Wiki. When I looked at the Wiki website, it indicated that there was a cost for a subscription.

Tool #5

This tool did take some time. I tend to get distracted looking up and viewing websites.

I found this website using Delicious using classroom discipline as the tag. http://www.honorlevel.com/x47.xml This is a website that includes some helpful hints for classroom management. The website also gives information about techniques that "backfire" when used by teachers.

I've set up an account in Diigo and here's the link I've bookmarked: http://www.rti4success.org/.

Tool #4

I sent a previously created document and then created an Excel document in Google Docs. I had to download the current version of Chrome because the existing browser didn't support Google Docs. I like the templates available for Excel- I'd never used the a template already created before.

I subscribed to 6 blogs- didn't realize they'd take up so much space. It certainly will make it easier to get to something I'm following.

As you can see, I chose interests outside of work!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tool #3- Image generators

Again, so many choices!

Students could make their own graphic organizers in a different format. It could also be used as a comprehension tool so that students can demonstrate key concepts on a particular topic.
Wordle: butterflies

This could be used during a writing assignment as a supplement to a composition.
Click on the title in pink to see the entire bubblr!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tool #2

Building an online education community will allow us to share our expertise. Many of us are "experts and masters" in certain areas. We don't always need to go outside of the school for staff development.
I think the tips on how to encourage people to comment on blogs was helpful. I also envision that I could spend hours reading blogs and commenting as I would be inclined to comment.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tool # 1

Wow- tougher to do than I thought it would be. I think I've got it or at least it looks like it's correct. I know the more familiar I am with this process, the easier it will be for me. I like the idea of having a place where we can post our thoughts and share ideas and then be able to read what colleagues have to say.